Thursday, January 29, 2009

One of those nights...
Last night will not go down in history as one of Brady's or my favorites. Not only is Kyre still getting up a couple of times in the night, but Teagan decided to, as did Kaelsy who has not felt well these last few days. Kaelsy tried the bed with us most of the night...ughhh...she was glued to me and wouldn't let me move an inch without whining. Finally, sometime early this morning after crying and wanting down from our bed (and of course we were both too exhausted to go put her back in her bed), she somehow made her way to the couch and this is how we found her this morning. In fact... she is still like that. :-)


*Katie May* said...

how cute.

melanie said...

HA HA! I love the close up with her mouth open.

Hate those nights. The exhaustion is just too much. Hope it's better tonight.

Shawna Andersen said...

Actually, I just started to blog. Not really sure I like it. Maybe if I knew what I was doing and didn't sound so illeterate, it would be better. It will be nice to keep up this way though. I hadn't seen photos of your youngest two. How bad is that. Your family is so darling. Beautiful children!!! My 10 year old still gets up a night. I feel for ya. Keep in touch. Are you on facebook?

Shaila Lou said...

How have I never known you've had a blog? I just found it, so I had to check it out. Your kids are getting so big and they are so adorable! I saw that pic of Teagan with Kathryn. She is too cute!