Tuesday, January 20, 2009

So, the other day Kaelsy was trying my patience - just a typical day with her. And as always, I had to resort to threats to get her to listen to me. After the fourth time (yes, all you experts probably have something to say to that, but I know there are some of you that can relate) trying to get her to stop doing something or other (because, of course, I don't really remember what she was doing, I just remember that she wasn't listening... I think she knows what she is doing more and more when I stop and think about it) I told her, "Someone is going to get the belt on their behind and that someone is Kaelsy!" Her reply, "Ummm, I Teagan!" Again... how can I keep a straight face with that thrown back at me? Not very well! What a kid!


*Katie May* said...

That is hilarious! Fun pic too!

melanie said...

The problem with these 'second children' is they are just TOO SMART!!

Don't feel bad. I totally relate. On a daily basis. Sometimes even hourly. Especially if he's tired. Thanks for the laugh.