Tuesday, July 8, 2008

"Papa" will be missed!

Grandpa Chambers was not just a grandpa to my girls, but he was there "Papa"! Brady and I never called him that around Teagan, it was just something she came up with on her own. And from that first time she called him that, it stuck even for Kaelsy. I think it tickled Grandpa that he had a special name that his "sweetheart" called him. Yes, Teagan let everybody know that she was Papa's Sweetheart. I even found a shirt that said Grandpa's Sweetheart on it but thank goodness she couldn't read. Because to her, it said Papa on it. She wore it everytime we would go see him, even if it was a couple of days in a row! He will be greatly missed but thank goodness for pictures, memories that the girls and even little Kyre will always have!

We love you Papa, always!


*Katie May* said...

What a sweet story. It was good to see you guys in Eagar. I am sorry once again about your grandpa.

Anonymous said...

Brady, eu entendi quase tudo, sei que o vovô era uma pessoa querida e que ele se foi... Sinto muito!! Mas queria entender tudo o que a Kim disse, depois pode traduzir pra mim??? Obrigado!! Ainda bem que temos o plano de salvação para nos consolar... Meus sentimentos..

Granny DeeAnn said...

What a sweet post of your Grandpa. I will miss him too. Take extra care of your Grandma she deserves it. Thinking of your family and wishing I could be there. I love all of you!!